Saturday, May 22, 2010

Waynesboro, VA 853.1 Miles

I have spoken to several past hikers and they repeatedly tell me that Virginia is easy and I will be able to hike 25-30 miles a day. Well I am Into central Virginia and am still waiting for the terrain to get "easy." I am still having 2-3 2000 foot climbs a day and I could easily go the whole way without doing a 30 mile day.

Since I got separated from my old hiking group I have entered some sort of thru hiker black hole. Before, at the end of the day, I would arrive to a fully loaded shelter almost daily. Now all I see are empty camp sites, trails and shelters. A couple of days I have not seen a single NOBO. I did meet a guy named Youngone from Indiana. We split a hotel room in Daleville and hiked together for a few days, but he went home for a few days. Youngone and myself made the climb to McAfee's KNob, which is considered to have one of the best views in VA and on the entire trail. As soon as I got there my camera died...still a great stop though.

After Youngone left I met up with Roughin It, who I had not seen since Georgia. Although he too was planning on going home when we reached the James River. The bridge over the river is the longest pedestrian footbridge on the entire trail. It also is a great place for diving and swimming. When I arrived there were about 20 young college students jumping of the bridge into the river. I got a hitch into town for a quick resupply and returned with the intention to jump off myself. The group of kids that drove me back said they were camping by the river that night, even though it is not allowed. They told me it is not enforced and offered for me to join them. I said I might go swimming and camp there as well. As I was setting up my tent a ranger came walking up. I figured he was going to kick us out, but he made a B-Line to the tent of the college kids who drove me to the bridge. Apparently they were smoking weed in there tent and the ranger busted them. Luckily for them they only got tickets. The ranger allowed us to stay camped where we were and went on his way.

This ticket did not deter the group of college kids. They were courteous and offered to move to another spot as not to bother me of the other thru hikers. I told them it wouldn't be a problem and I went to bed. In about 30 minutes I was awoken to a full on party by the river. 30 people showed up, built and bonfire, sang songs, drank and played guitar until 4am. I did not get much sleep...

The next day I crossed the river and hiked in about .5 miles. There I saw a hiker named Willard. He said even he could here all the noise from the night before. I guess I learned my lesson, as to not sleep by the road on a friday night.

I am now in Waynesboro, VA and about to enter the Shenandoah's. I am making great time and putting in 130+ miles a week. Hopefully I will catch up with the group ahead of me and get out of this black hole of hikers.

1 comment:

  1. keep going, danny.

    here are a few "you won'ts" to inspire you during your time in the black hole. if you even do one i'll be impressed:

    1get a tattoo
    2drink real moonshine
    3don't go blind from the moonshine
    4sleep in someone else's tent for a night
    5when you meet the next person on the trail, speak only Borat english and pretend you are from the ural mountains

    you won't.
