Sunday, March 7, 2010


For over a year now I have wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail (AT). I came very close to taking my final semester of college off and attempting the trek last March. However my dad advised me to graduate first. So I remained enrolled and received my diploma in May like everyone else.

While staying in school landed me the diploma it did not land me a "real job". I like to go with the trend and blame the economy but I believe it is also due to my uncertainty of what to pursue. I am certain I want to hike this trail and figure since I am jobless I might as well be homeless.

Why do I want to hike? I really don't know. I guess I can say it was inherited due to many family vacations involving hiking/camping; however, I hated hiking when I was younger and would complain during the trip's entirety. That must have been extremely annoying for everyone around me. In fact I wrote a full page apology to my parents, that I didn't end up sending, for being such a brat on those trips, as I had to listen to similar children all day and everyday, while working as a backpacking guide in Idaho this summer.

One winter my family and I took a ski trip to West Virginia. While my sister was out skiing I was in the hotel room watching the main event of the Poker World Series. My mom got so upset that we left the same day. So it is very ironic that, thus far, all I have wanted to do with my adulthood is find adventure.

I can't think of anything much more adventurous than living in the woods and traversing mountains for 6 months. The plan is to start in Georgia and head north to Maine. A member of my church, Van (who I call Herman), advised me to start in Maine and go south, as to go downhill the whole way. Not sure it works like that but we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Danny:
    I am very proud of you and wish you all the best. I hope you find yourself on this journey and discern God call for you in life. When you get tired rest, but know that part of life is like this hike, it is hard and can be monotonous to get up every day and walk and climb. Life too has its hills and valleys. God be with you, be safe, your Dad
