Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tis' the Season

At this time of year, I would be making the final push at school and preparing for summer vacation. A year ago my grades were steadfast after 3.5 years of studying, barring a two month long academic meltdown. This meant I was anticipating mid-week trips to the Indiana dunes, bonfires, the 9am baseball club, and campus golf. Most of these activities required missing a class or an entire day of classes. This was acceptable. My senior year management professor told me the most important thing about senior year was building relationships. I cannot think of a better way to build a relationship than waking up for class, walking out the door, seeing a housemate return from class, replacing our books with gloves, and throwing the baseball around for 2 hours. Thank you Professor Stuck.

Ironically, I feel like I am beginning college for the first time all over again, not finishing it. Many of the same questions are going through my head. Will I like it? Who will I meet? Will I like the food? At least this time I am fairly certain I will not like the food.

I could not be more anxious. Obviously there are common concerns when hiking the AT. Bears, poisonous snakes, freezing temperatures, theft, injury, etc. My biggest fears are none of those. Instead I am worried about rodents. I have heard horror stories of mice and skunks climbing, in, over, and through peoples gear, including the bag they are occupying. If a skunk climbs into my sleeping bag while I am in it, I am dropping my gear and going home. Although it may be more repulsed of my scent than I of it's.

In a couple days I will be joining about 1500 others on the AT. Some have been on the journey for weeks, some are weeks away, some have already quit. I chose my departure time in order to avoid large crowds and the cold as best I can. My sister Sarah is graciously driving me to Amicalola Falls GA, and will join me for the first couple days of the hike.


  1. Good luck buddy. I'll be reading this so keep me updated. And be sure to tell us your trail name!!! I'm most excited about that.. I have a feeling it will be Forest Gump or something though I am hoping for Knoll Troll so you can be reminded of your Valpo days.

    Anyway, I hope you don't get tooo wet during the trip. Have fun and be safe.

  2. You were about 5 years old when I first climbed Springer Mountain with my hiking buddies called the MOMs. Now you will understand why I left the family for a week each year for 16 years to hike a section of the trail. I am excited for you and Sarah to see the big rock and plaque atop of Springer where I once trod. I can't wait to hear about your adventures and what the trail will teach you about yourself.
    Llama Mama

  3. may your pack be light
    may your socks stay dry
    may your stomach stay full
    and may the bears be shy

    happy trails, buddy.


  4. Danny or whatever your trail name is at this point,
    We received word from Sarah that she hiked 2 days with you and that the first day was very cold and windy as well as muddy with no views on the top of Springer Mountain. You also shared the shelter with 19 other people - did you feel like a sardine? Then we got your short e-mail that you made it to Neels Gap. Bloody Mountain is a nasty mountain to climb for sure. We will be leaving Canberra for Sydney tomorrow. Hope you get to a town soon and contact us.
    Llama Mama
