Monday, March 29, 2010

Hiawassee, GA - 67.5 miles

Everyday I find a new injury that nags me while hiking. I am begging to realize this is normal and part of the process. After Neel's gap I was feeling much better and made it to the post St. Patty's day party at Low Gap. There was a group of former thru hikers that brought hot dogs and beer for all the hikers. B-Man brought a case of my favorite beer, Miller Highlife, and let me indulge. He has thru hiked twice and the past and now throws parties up and down the trail. His friend Geek was along helping, also a former thru hiker. I actually saw these guys a couple of times in the past few days. Both times Geek was taking a midday nap on the ground.

For the past three days I have been hiking with two gentleman from the Isle of Man, near the UK. This has been a perfect opportunity for me to perfect my British accent. Yesterday I had them speak in American accents while I tried my British tongue. Very entertaining. My favorite is their American pronunciation of the word "water", which we saw like "wadder."

We hiked to Dick's creek gap where we met a guy named Grits who had burgers waiting for us. Then we jumped on the back of a pickup and a man named Mike drove us down the winding road going 60 mph. We are spending the night in a small town called Hiawassee, for a resupply and hot tub.

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